Thursday, August 15, 2013

Lymies: Who We Are

What in the world is a Lymie?  Or, perhaps more accurately, I should ask, who in the world are Lymies?  To answer that question, it is critical first that you have an understanding of Lyme disease and its impact.  According to Wikipedia, "Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in the Northern Hemisphere."  Lyme disease or Borrelia is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected ticks.

Some common symptoms of Lyme disease when caught in its early stages may include fever, headache, fatigue, depression and at times a circular skin rash that is called Erythema migrans (EM).  The problem is that Lyme is often left untreated.  Sometimes, those infected are unaware of the cause of their ailment.  Sometimes, unfortunately doctors misdiagnose the disease. Untreated, Lyme symptoms worsen. Symptoms of later stage Lyme may include pain in the joints and can even result in heart and central nervous system issues.  Delayed or inadequate treatment can lead to even more serious symptoms, which are often debilitating and difficult (very difficult) to treat.

Those of us who have gone for long periods with incorrect or inadequate treatment know the pain and frustration of this disease.  We know the pain that we experience on a daily basis.  We know the frustration of doctors and even family and friends who don't believe in Chronic Lyme.  We share the concern that a disease is spreading with epidemic proportions with limited attention by the media.  We call ourselves, 'Lymies' because we share a common illness, but more than a unification in our discomfort, we share the desire to make this disease and especially the long-term symptoms of Chronic Lyme understood and accepted by the medical establishment, the insurance companies and even the government.  We are those who have grown tired of not being treated, not being heard, not being believed.  Our immediate goal is simple - we want to spread the news of this terrible disease. We believe that knowledge is power and information will  lead to prevention and better treatment.

If you or a loved one or a friend have been impacted by Lyme, join with us for you too are a Lymie.  We ask that you not only hear our call, but beckon others to our cause - "Lymies Unite!" - if not now, then when?


  1. I just posted on Katie Couric's website. She is looking for Lyme patients stories. Hope she gives the topic honest coverage. Do you have a story?

    Good link to check out.

  3. Another good link:
    What did the Blood test Show? looking for Lyme borreliosis in all of its forms IN THE BLOOD.
    Pitfalls and Problems with Newer Information.
    A New video for patients and for physicians.
    Alan B. MacDonald, MD, fCAP fASCP
    August 31, 2013
